Thursday, February 26, 2009


"After i laid the map open on the dining table, Abba showed us the thick arteries if highways, the spidery blue line of the border"pg10

I picked these sentences because i like the way they are written. The narrative compares highways to thick arteries and the border to a spidery blue line. It gives you a really good image of what Nadira is seeing. 


  1. Awesome sentence! I agree it does give you a great image.

  2. Great sentence Amanda! It really does give u some strong imagery...good choice

  3. Nadira really does seem to have a very poetic mind. Good sentence- very dynamic. (yes, i'm in a sort of bigword mood...)

  4. Good Job,
    I agree that this quote does give a great imageof what Nadira is seeing. I think that she is laying out her journey. I look foward of reading more of the book!
