Tuesday, March 17, 2009


"this is my younger daughter," she says proudly
"You see my brilliant girl here"

This chapter was very eventful. I am so happy that Nadira steps up and helps her father in his Trial. In this chapter both of her parents are proud of her. It seems like it's for the first time. It made me really happy when Nadira said, "All I keep thinking is I can't wait to tell Aisha." She finally one-uped her sister and is proud. She seems overjoyed to have something she can tell her sister. Something great she did. After hearing so many things that her sister has done. 

1 comment:

  1. Nadira seems to be modest enough, though maybe just more...shy? in my opinion, she just needs confidence. but if there was ever and appropriate time for her to get in someone's face for a big "HA!!!!".
