Wednesday, March 4, 2009


""You and your little perfect scores and your perfect this an that? Who cares if you're valedictorian? You're not going to college! You're not going anywhere!""

""And the weird thing is:I liked it.""

I couldn't beleive it! Nadira finally speaks out and im glad she did. Aisha has been so stuck up and rude from the beginning and acts like she's the center of the universe. It was about time someone told her off and I think it was good tat it was Nadira. Nadira has been in the back so much and been afraid to speak up. She seems to be finding her voice. I love it when she says: "And the weird thing is:I liked it." After telling off her sister it seems in a way she's more confident. It made me feel bad when she got the bad news about her father and then blamed on herself. It was as if that confidence just disappeared. I dont think what she did would triger anything like that. Nadira could have meant many things by telling Aisha she's not going to college and cheating on a test does not give any hint that she is illegal.


  1. Nice work Amanda! I totally agree with you! I couldn't believe that Nadira actually spoke out. Aisha really does act like she is the center of the universe, in a way. I agree that after she told off Aisha, she did feel a little more confident. It wasn't fair that immediately after Nadira felt confident that they had to receive bad news about their father. That was a bummer for them! Nice job!

  2. V,
    Great work! I loved the quote you used! I agree with both of you guys, it really did suck when Nadira's confidence boosted then came crashing down when she heard the bad news about her dad. I loved it!



  3. Good,

    I totally agree with all of your opinions, as well with Puja. Puja and you both said that Aisha does act like the center of the universe and I'm also agreeing with that. I wish that she would stop acting like the pretty princess that always gets what she wants. I'm glad that Nadira spoke up when she did because if she had waited any longer it could have progressed and turned to worser consequences. I hope they can both work together as the book moves along, that would be awesome.


  4. I have a very different opinion. I felt that Nadira made a terrible move by insulting Aisha. Her family is going through an extremely difficult time, and Aisha could take those harsh words very seriously and doubt herself in school, and not go to college. She even cried and that’s not like the Aisha we know or Nadira knows. This may have seen like Nadira is sticking up for herself, but I believe this outburst shows her instability and her powerful, mixed emotions. If anything, I think this outburst lowered her self-confidence.

  5. I really like what DaVaughn said about Aisha being so used to getting what she wants. I agree with all of you that it was unfortunate for Nadira to have to receive that bad news, and I hated that she thought it was her fault. I think that even if we agree that Nadira has a bigger sense of self then Aisha, she has way more self doubt.

  6. I really like what you said, Sarah, when you said "i think that even if we agree that Nadira has a bigger sense of self then Aisha, she has way more self doubt.". I think that when Nadira thinks about how perfect Aisha is, her self esteem goes way down. she she be more opptomistic about how smart she is.

  7. Like everyone else said, I'm happy that Nadira stood up for herself, but I think that she could have approached Aisha in a different way. I mean sure, Aisha is a stuck up sister and selfish, but that doesn't mean Nadira has to be the same. I was proud of her but I felt like that was a total slap to the face. Ouch. I think that that incident will definitely give Nadira more confidence. I hope she doesn't use it in the wrong way though. Anyways, great blog, Amanda! 8D

  8. As said earlier in class. Aisha DID need to finally understand what it feels like to be cruelly snapped at. She also certainly deserved to get some of what she had doled out, but as i brought up earlier, how she got that payback... the jury is out on that one. Aisha did need to hear that, but was it Nadira's place to tell her? The small part of me that thinks maturely says that the mature thing to have done was to understand that Aisha, regardless of her treatment of Nadira, certainly is helpful and a part of the hope for her family. Her world seems to be made of glass, and shattering it wouldn't help anyone. However, i also say GO NADIRA!!!! OH YEAH!!!!

  9. V ~
    i also can't really believe that nadira actually spoke up for herself, or maybe it would be better to say 'acted up' for herself. she threw gravy on her sister, for goodness sake! not many people do that, especially in school.
    i know i would be pretty mad if i got gravy on me, and embarrassed!
    good points, i'm glad you used that sentence/section!
    ~ StrawberiBanana

  10. I agree a lot with what you said, V. Nadira had all this confidence, but it fizzes right out when she hears the news. The gravy thing was pretty interesting, as if Marina was trying to tell us something. Awesomeness,
    ~ Neeli

  11. I understand what you are saying. I am really happy that Nadira finally stood up for herself. I really liked Puja's comment about Aisha thinking that she was the center of the universe. It seems to really make sense. Aisha seems to be living in this little world where everything has a happy fairy-tale ending. She doesn't think about the fact that things might not end up being okay. Nadira finally pointed that out to her by telling her off. I think it was a little mean, but I think that it was the only way the Aisha would understand what was going on around her for a change, instead of sitting around waiting for the ending to come where she lives happily ever after.

  12. I agree with you completely Amanda. It's about time that Nadira speak up against Aisha's rudeness. I also agree with Falcon, it was a little unnecessary at the moment though because their family is going through a tough time and they should try to help each other out. Unlike some people, I think that at some point, someone they love will leave them and then they will be brought together. What do you guys think? Will the sisters ever stand together? Or will they continue being snotty to each other?

  13. I have to put a second comment. I agree slightly with Falcon, 'cause Nadira snaps unnecessaryly at Aisha, for a trivial matter. I do think that Nadira did need to stand up to Aisha though, although it would be better if she was talking about something that was worth arguing about.
