Tuesday, March 10, 2009


"If i say a word that is angry, he explained, then i should never be surprised by the harm. And if i say something good, then it is like watching my own garden grow, and that is the greatest pleasure ever. That's what Aisha and I are doing. We're planting a garden with our words. Our future. Everything careful and chosen well so the shoots come up strong and straight."

I think that this quote is very insightful. What you say can really make an impact on your life. If you say the wrong thing it can lead to a lot of trouble sometimes. And in Aisha and Nadira's case what they say is really important. They can so easily slip up and the consequences are not small. I was glad to see Aisha and Nadira finally working together. They were finally starting to act like sisters should: supportive and caring."We talk about it on the way to school jammed together on the crowded bus; we meet at lunchtime in the cafeteria, and late at night we stay up whispering with the lights out." 


  1. Nice work Amanda! I like how you used such a thoughtful quote and discussed how it impacts and shows in Nadira and Aisha's own personal life. Sometimes, once you say something and you receive the consequences, you wish you hadn't said that thing anymore. I think this is how Nadira felt after she yelled at her sister, and maybe that's why it came up again here. I, too, and very happy that the sisters are working together now! Great that you included a quote too! Good job!

  2. Really nice blog-log Amanda! You prove a really good point in your response. If Nadira or Aisha say something the slightest bit wrong it is going to lead people to be suspisious. Then when people are suspisious that leades to digging. And when people go digging around in other people's lives they tend to find the truth or whatever it is that they are looking for.
