Friday, March 27, 2009


"I can feel it, the water pressing all around us, pulsing from below. Abba's fingers reach for mine. and we do as he taught us. We hold our breaths, then let them out, bit by bit. We push forward into the unknown. Go."

I found this quote a very good ending. Nadira refers to her family as water throughout the book. Here it seems she's saying that she can feel her family all around her. That they're finally all together again. Then she says, "And we do as he taught us. We hold our breaths, then let them out bit by bit." They going out into the world. A world full of the unknown. So they do as there father taught them. Like i wrote about in a previous blog you can get through anything as long as you know how to breath. so this sentence here seems to show a sense of strength and nerves all at the same time.

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